At SW Productions, we are incredibly proud to have been a part of Surfers against Sewage‘s latest video campaign alongside the incredible creative team at Mr. President. As a videography production company based in the South West, we have a deep appreciation for the natural beauty of our coastline, and we were eager to work with SAS to help raise awareness of the issue of sewage pollution.

The campaign draws attention to the alarming statistics that show that between 2016 and 2021, water companies in the UK discharged sewage into UK waters for a total of 9,427,355 hours. This equates to 1,076 years of sewage pollution, which is a staggering and deeply concerning figure. The water companies react to this not by investing into infrastructure but by paying CEO’s £17m in bonus’ and £1B to their Shareholders.

The SAS team have reacted to the water companies lack of response by organising a paddle-out protest, a national day of action calling to end sewage pollution, taking place on the 20th May 2023.

Our team worked tirelessly over two days to capture stunning footage of 11x European surf champion Ben Skinner and owner of Cord Surfboards Markie Lascelles as they surfed ‘The Floater,’ the world’s first surfboard containing sewage made by Niall Jones of Benthos Surf Co. We also captured powerful imagery of sewage outlets and interviewed key individuals, including SAS campaign manager Izzy Ross and marine consultant Joshua McCarthy, who provided expert insights into the environmental impacts of sewage pollution.


We are thrilled that the video has already gained an incredible amount of traction on social media, with journalists from top media outlets such as Sky News, The Guardian and The Times sharing the campaign and raising awareness of this important issue.


At SW Productions, we believe that video has the power to create change and inspire action, and we are proud to have been a part of such an impactful campaign. We hope that this campaign will help to draw attention to the need for urgent action to address sewage pollution and protect our precious coastal environments.


We are grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Surfers against Sewage and to use our skills and expertise to contribute to such an important cause. We look forward to continuing to work with organisations that share our commitment to protecting the environment and creating positive change through video.


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