The Royal Tweet: SW Productions is Recognised by Royal Family

At SW Productions, we were honoured to collaborate with Different View Photography on the filming of the Queen’s Green Canopy ceremony in Plymouth, UK. The ceremony was held to dedicate the Plymouth kelp forest to Her Majesty the Queen, and it was a unique and special event that we were excited to be a part of, not only because of the significance of the event itself but also because Plymouth and its local beaches and kelp forest hold a special place in our hearts. As we grew up in Plymouth and have so many fond memories of the area.

The ceremony itself was a beautiful and meaningful event. The Lord Mayor of Plymouth was presented with a plaque by the UN Patron of the Seas Lewis Pugh to officially dedicate the Plymouth kelp forest to the Queen, and it was clear that the ceremony held a lot of significance for the local community. The forest is an important part of Plymouth’s natural heritage, and it was inspiring to see the dedication and passion of those involved in preserving it.

After the ceremony, we were thrilled to see the video we had produced go live on social media, and to our excitement, the Royal Family posted it to their Twitter account. However, our joy was short-lived as a couple of days after the ceremony, we learned of the passing of Her Majesty the Queen. Despite the sadness of the news, we were humbled to have played a small part in honouring her memory and the legacy of the kelp forest, as well as being able to showcase the beauty of our hometown.

Our experience collaborating with Different View Photography on the Queen’s Green Canopy ceremony in Plymouth was an unforgettable one. We were honoured to be a part of such a meaningful and special event, and it was a pleasure to work alongside the talented team at Different View Photography. We offer our condolences to the royal family and to all those who were touched by her majesty’s passing. We are proud to have been able to showcase the beauty of Plymouth and its local beaches and kelp forest, a place that holds a special place in our hearts.

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